Monday, September 10, 2012

Make your baby a Genius by Flash Card Method

All children have an incredible ability to learn from birth. Before the age of 5, a child can easily grasp amazing amount of information. Using flash cards is one of the easiest way to impart a huge amount of knowledge to your young child. If the child has not yet crossed 4 years of age it will be easier and more effective, before 3, it is even easier, and before 2 the most easiest and most effective of all.

The use of flash cards methods to teach infants and babies is largely attributed to Glenn Doman who popularized this method. Doman has done research in educatin the brain damaged children. He has give this flash card method to be effective for all childre under 5 years of age. And there are a lot of proof available that it actually works to make infants and children smarter. Flash cards can be used to teach the infants to read, learn maths and gain an encyclopedic knowledge.

According to Glenn Doman
  • The child before five has a insatiable appetite to learn.
  • The child before five can absorb information at an amazing rate.
  • The more knowledge a child absorbs before the age of five, the more he retains.
  • The child before five has a large amount of energy dedicated to learning.
  • The child before five can learn to read and wants to learn to read.
  • All little children are linguistic geniuses.
Therefore can there be, any doubt that since a child before five can learn an entire language, he can therefore learn as many languages as are presented to him? The answer is an emphatic "No!"

A child within one year of age orbelow that is the ideal period to begin if you want to expend the least amount of effort in teaching your child using flash cards. You can actually begin the process of teaching your baby right from birth. Although at birth, the skill of recognizing movement and shapes is the starting point, it is actually a program of visual stimulation. The eye movement stops only at 3 months. So it best to start the flash card method from 3 months.

We speak to the baby at birth, this helps the auditory pathway to grow. We can also teach the baby to read and provide the language of maths through the eyes, this helps the visual pathway to grow. There are two vital points involved in teaching your child. Your attitude and method, as well as the size and orderliness of the teaching materials.

The Best Time To Teach The most suitable time is when mother and baby are comfortable, both physically and emotionally. If the baby is uncomfortable, tired or hungry, the teaching process should be delayed or cancelled. Find out what is causing the baby's discomfort and pacify him before starting.

If it is the mother who is in an irritable mood, it is also not a good time to teach. All mothers and babies have days when things don't seem right and it is unwise to teach a child anything. It is better to take a long term approach and understand that there will be many days ahead when both mother and child are more relaxed and happy and a lesson plan can therefore go on smoothly and enjoyably. On such days, the least amount of time and effort can be spent learning, on a happy note.

The Best Duration Lessons should be enjoyable and happy. It should be approached like a game and your cheerful voice should reflect this. However, ensure that the length of time you play the game is very short. At first it will be played three times a day, but each session will involve only a few seconds. The parent should determine the timing to end the learning session and stop before your child wants to stop.

How To Use The Flash Cards In teaching reading, math or encyclopedic knowledge using flash cards, parents have to recognize that Children love to learn and they do it very quickly. Therefore you must show your material very quickly. We adults do almost everything too slowly for children and this is very evident in the way adults teach little children. Generally we expect a child to sit and stare at his materials, to look as if he is concentrating on them. We expect him look a bit unhappy in order to demonstrate that he is really learning. But children don't think learning is painful, grown-ups do.

When you show your cards do so as fast as you can. You will become more and more good at it as you do it more often. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable. The materials chosen should be sturdy and carefully designed to be large and clear so that you can show them very quickly and your child will see them easily

How To Teach Reading Using Flash Cards White hard paper or stiff cardboard is the most ideal material to use to make baby learning flash cards, when teaching a baby to read. Ordinary printing paper may be too flimsy to allow you to switch your flash cards in a fast pace. Remember, it's all about speed. Write the words using a broad-tipped red felt pen. The letters should be about 3 to 4 inches or 7cm to 10 cm. You can group the cards according to items found in the house like Chair, Table, Fork, Spoon. Or species of animals like mammals, for instance - Lion, Tiger, Monkey or even vehicles, like Aeroplane, Car, Truck etc.

Do not be concerned if the words seem a bit tough for a tiny child to learn. Just go by faith. Use one group of words for 3 days or so, and then replace 1 word a day with another group. Keep your lessons short, maybe 10 words a session, each session 3 times a day. To flash the cards, move the card from the back (nearest to you) to the front (facing your child). As you put the card in front of your baby, say the word out loud with enthusiasm. Write the word in pencil behind the card so you don't have to turn them to face you to know what word you are flashing to your child. As you move the card to the front to face baby, read what you have written behind the card and say "This word says Tiger", for instance.

How To Teach Math Using Flash Cards You must understand the numerals like 1, 2, 3 ....and so on are abstract terms for babies. To teach your child math, you must start with a quantifiable symbol like a dot. You can buy stick-on red dots from the stationery shop. Cut or purchase white index cards 11 inch by 11 inch. To teach numbers, stick 1 red circle dot for the number one, Two dots for the number 2 and so on. Write the numbers on the back of the card so that you know which dot cards you are flashing to your baby. In the same manner as reading, move the cards from the back (nearest to you) to the front (facing baby) and as you do, say "this is one", "this is two", etc. You can flash the cards in sequence in the beginning, from 1 to 10 for example, then 10 to 1. You can make as many dot cards as you can. Later on, you can progress to addition or subtraction problems. For instance, to teach a baby 1+2=3, you need a 1-dot card, a 2-dot card and a 3-dot flash cards. As you flash the cards in mathematical sequence, you say "One plus two equals three".

As a teacher to your baby, you now understand the basic steps in the Reading and Math pathway. The pathway just described is the method to follow and it works. However, it may be worthwhile for you to invest in an affordable baby education software tool that will take away the chore of making cards, for reading and math. Such computer programs can even store the lesson plans, do the calculation and generate the dots on the computer screen for you. You can also give your baby encyclopedic knowledge with the picture files that comes along with it or it can also flash pictures you have taken with your digital camera. The use of technology has certainly helped parents bring out the genius in their children quickly and easily.


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