Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Benefits of Solar

Clean energy that benefit everyone. And everything
The benefit of solar generated clean energy extend far beyond fiscal saving. Solar benefits economically, environmentally and socially.
Solar Economic advantages
  • With various Government incentives for PV system installation - owner can actually save money from the reduction in electricity bill
  • Cost of installing a PV system is actually an investment - with the expected introduction of Feed In Tariff (FiT) next year
  • Attractive ROI of as fast as 7-8 years
High Internal Rate of Return (IRR) up to 10% - better than earning interest from banks
  • Secure investment – contract is signed with TNB (GLC) for 21 years
  • Proven matured technology
  • Value of PV powered home will increase in resale value, due to: 1. Reduced electricity bill, 2. Income from FiT – helps to pays mortgage and 3. Being ‘environmental friendly’ statement
  • For housing developer: 1. great marketing tools, 2. value added house for housebuyer and 3. homeowner beginning to recognise ‘green’ home
Solar Environmental advantages
"Solar is highly compatible with the values and desires of the environmentally‐ conscious citizen.“
"Solar electricity is clearly a wise energy investment with great environmental benefits!“
The conservation of fossil fuels, the reduction of pollutants, reduction of waste, and higher efficiency usage of electricity are the main environmental objectives to which Solar PV achieves each of these ends
Solar Social advantages
  • Be your own power producer. Creates clean, renewable energy that will sustain and support the health of future generations.
  • Protected against future rise in electricity tariff
  • Reduce dependence on imported fuels
  • Distributed Generation - Reduce losses through transmission
  • Creation of local job and sustainable enconomy

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